Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Insomnia has me in her cold grip once more.

Tired this long day.
My mind rises as night falls.
Sleep abandons me.

Wow, haiku. I really must be out of it. Four hours last night, and I'll be lucky to get as much again tonight.

Monday was good, felt nice to get out of the house and doing something. Thought I was going to be able to handle Tuesday. Then the shaking started, that was unpleasant. The nausea, and ten minute long nosebleed weren't much fun either. I think I need to see the doctor, seem to be a lot of symptoms for just some stress. Though with the awesome power of my mind, I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss a purely psychosomatic cause.

(You never forget your first doctor, or second, or ninth. How many are they up to now? Ah, who cares. He's my favorite.)

I hate Stumbleupon. It may not be the cause of my insomnia, but it sure as hell doesn't help. I was actually able to divorce myself from the computer Monday night, not that it helped any. I still couldn't get to sleep until after three in the morning. Not even going to bother tonight. Eventually I'll get tired enough to put the laptop down. At least this way I've got something to do while I'm not sleeping.

Shouldn't have worried about work though, boss lady never did come down. She's supposed to come out later this week, but I've got the feeling she's just going to keep delaying. I'm surprised that she's so successful. I guess, like most things in life, it's how motivated you are, not how good.

This certainly holds true for me. I've got all the innate talent or skill anyone could want(did I mention the awesome power of my mind?), but little to no motivation to go with it. Probably a good thing for humanity in general, as I do tend towards the whole mad-scientist/super-villain end of the spectrum.

(Imagine him but with long hair, and you know, less fashion sense or good looks.)

Oh well, I'm off to click that Stumble button until I run out of internet, or brain cells. Whichever comes first.

βeta, out.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Well, so much for that.

Please disregard my last post. Looks like I'll be taking a six-day weekend after all. Probably longer.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My glorious return to society & another transhumanist rant.

My apologies to any who might have tried to contact me this week. The stress was finally too much, and I had to take a few personal days. That means no phone; I hate the damned thing & will take any reason I can to shut it off for a few.

Well, it looks like the source of said stress will not be there tomorrow (somebody never got a doctor's not releasing him back to work. Oopsies), and I have been asked (read begged) to return. I'm still not happy at the situation, but frankly, I'm getting bored. I had plans to get some stuff done this week, but instead spent the whole time watching cartoons & fucking around on the internet. All in all, time well spent.

Okay, on to the craziness. Actually this one isn't too crazy, nothing like having magnets implanted in my finger tips. Still too much of a coward to actually go through with that one btw. This latest idea is much more sane. It's just a pair of sunglasses actually

(not really my style but it's what they do, not what they look like that interests me.)

See those funny vertical lines on the side? Those are actually a modified Fresnel lens designed to add an extra 25 degrees of perception to each side of your peripheral vision. A person's peripheral vision is used mainly for motion detection, and since the front is undistorted. This is an excellent way to extend your senses with few if any drawbacks. Sure, it might take a while to acclimatize, but an extra 50 degrees added to your field of view could be the difference between life and death.

As most of you know(because I won't shut up about it), I'm starting to get pretty serious about biking. Now, I'm confident enough to share the road with the giant metal cages (and the tiny little people driving them), but I'm not stupid enough to think I won't be the loser in a collision. So, all my senses are on constant lookout; if only cagers (I love that term) paid half as much attention to the road as cyclists must.

That's why I want these glasses so much, though I'd probably wear them even while not riding. To see what's coming up behind you is just so freaking cool.

No comic book/Pauley Shore reference this time. All I can think of are some characters from Naruto. βeta, out.

P.S. I got an anonymous comment asking for more posts. So, here you are Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Down the rabbit hole.

I'm tumbling and don't know how or when I'll land. I hate this feeling. I feel like writing bad poetry, but I enjoy my small following(all one of you), and don't wish to turn them off my writing forever.

Work, work, work. That's all I talk about lately, even I'm getting tired of hearing it. Work is not my life, it's where I go to earn money. That's it. Dammit!

I hate to bring work up again but it's stalking round & round my mind, refusing to quiet down. The nutjob is back after two weeks of bliss where work was almost enjoyable again. And now it's worse than ever. The situation is untenable; I can not stand to work with this fool for any longer. So, I have decided to shun him and his idiot wife.

This is the only way I can see to get through the day. The thing is, ignoring someone that you have to share an office with is a serious mental & emotional drain. The best I've been able to manage is trying to think of him as one of those little yip yip dogs. I'm an animal lover, but those damned things just make me want to kick `em in the head with my steel-toed boots. So, basically there's no real change in my attitude towards him.

The only pleasure I got during those endless five and a half hours was from the knowledge that my silent treatment was driving him nuts. He's starting to throw out vague threats, like his parting words today "Just remember, this was your choice." It was all I could do not to laugh in the fucker's face.

But, there's only so much of that kind of sick enjoyment you can take before you just get sick. I'm just so tired of this shit. It's gotten to the point where I actually want to get fired. Just so, I can kick back on un-employment for a few weeks while I try to recover my sanity.

Sorry, for the depressing post. I just don't know what I'm going to do. βeta, out.

P.S. if anyone's still looking for "solstice" gift ideas for me. There's this, it's only $500 plus $100 for shipping. If you buy me this, I will love you forever & ever & ever & ever. I love everything Alice & that game kicked serious ass. Wish there was a sequel or a remake with better graphics.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I stole a kiss, and left her breathless.

And that, is all you're getting out of me Tammy. So don't even ask.

Apparently certain people don't know how to take a joke. I have learned that I face death and dismemberment Monday if I do not wring the creative juices from my mind for the entertainment of others. Being rather partial to a fully appendaged life. I feel I must comply.

The problem is, as I have stated previously, that most of my writing is fueled by strife and conflict. Or, at the very least, sleep deprivation and alcohol. I can, on occasion, post about the good things in life, and while today's outing certainly merits it's own post.

I find that I must punish certain people for certain actions. Such as planning our wedding before we've even had a first date (great way to set the mood Tammy.) So, my love life shall forever more remain separate from my writing. You only have yourself to blame.

I hope these few paragraphs have been enough to spare me a fate worse than death, `cuz that's all you're getting out of me. :P

βeta, out.

Now playing: PJ Harvey - This Is Love
via FoxyTunes

Friday, October 17, 2008

A post for Tammy

Well, you asked for it. So, here it is.